Раздел 1 - Урок 4

Английский язык 5 класс - Все домашние работы к учебнику и рабочей тетради М. З. Биболетовой

Раздел 1 - Урок 4

3. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания. Составьте свои собственные предложения.

Интервью учеников Who has a student’s interview?

Местная группа This is a local group of our scientists.

Информация корреспондента The correspondent’s information is private.

Быть серьезным студентом I am a serious student.

Иметь хобби My grandmother has many hobbies.

Музыкальный инструмент Guitar is a musical instrument.

Занятой менеджер My father is a busy manager.

Ходить в театр I like to go to the theatre with my friends.

Играть на гитаре I want to play the guitar.

Иметь хорошее чувство юмора Му friend has a good sense of humor.

Местный поезд The local train comes at 5:30.

4. Дополните текст.

Invited, for, exchange, an interview, musical, foreign, her.

7. Дополните вопросы.

1. can’t she

2. doesn’t she

3. does she

4. aren’t they

5. hasn’t she

6. didn’t she

9. Прочитайте письмо Кати и скажите, что она писала о своем пребывании в Лондоне.

She is happy to live with her host family. It is very interesting to study new culture and traditions. She gets some new friends at school. They are going to visit Cambridge.

10. Прочитайте и исправьте неверные предложения.

1. Katya wrote her letter in English.

2. She is staying in London for two weeks.

3. True

4. She has made new friends at school.

5. True

11. Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола.

1. is playing

2. am watching

3. speak

4. is sleeping

5. reads

6. are having

13. Напишите письмо родителям об интересных местах, которые вы посетили.

Dear Mum,

I miss you! And I miss my school. But here I study at a good school. I have made many friends. We went to the centre of London yesterday. I saw Big Ben. It is a symbol of London. It is a big clock, like our Currant in Red Square.

16. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный предлог.

1. about, 2. On, 3. Of, 4. In, 5. of, 6. For.

20. Ответьте на вопросы о семье Стефана.

1. Какой любимый цвет у матери Стефана?

Favourite colours of Stefan’s mother are green and blue.

2. Как выглядит его сестра?

His sister is curious, talkative and naughty.

3. Что обычно носит его дядя?

Stefan’s uncle wears jeans, pullovers and trainers.

4. Чем увлекается дедушка?

Stefan’s granddad enjoys gardening.

5. Что делает его бабушка?

Stefan’s grandmother is a librarian.

6. Охарактеризуйте семью Стефана.

They are close family. They like to spend time together.

25. Прочитайте шутку. Как вы думаете, что случилось дальше?

The boy says: “It is my father!!! And I will sit on his knees!”

28. Опишите свою маму, папу, брата и сестру.

Му mum is tall and slim. She is beautiful. She has long dark hair and blue eyes. She is intelligent, kind, polite and smart.

My father is athletic, strong and tall. He has short fair hair and green eyes. He is brave, friendly and kind.

My brother is plump. He has short fair hair and blue eyes. He is shy, polite and clever.

31. Найдите значения этих слов. Используйте словарь, если необходимо. Назовите слова, которые имеют противоположные значения.

Unfriendly — friendly

Unwell — well

Untidy — tidy

Informal — formal

Unlucky — lucky

Unpleasant — pleasant

Impolite — polite

Unknown — known

Independent — dependent

Unlike — like

Unzip — zip

Undo — do

38. Опишите идеальную семью.

There are five people. They are mother, father, elder brother, younger sister and me. I would like to live close to my grandparents and to visit them often. I. would like to spend a lot of time with my parents. I want us to have our own traditions. We will always have supper together and discuss our success and achievements.

Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]